Measurement Campaign
This site introduces the measurement campaign that was conducted to obtain the measurement data for the ISAC dataset. We focus on the details relevant to the dataset and refer to [1] for a more detailed description of the measurement setup.
Measurement Impressions
Flight area for the measurement in Ilmenau, Germany.
Hardware and Signal Parameters
The following signal parameters were used in the Software-Defined-Radios (SDRs). During the measurement, a single transmitter would send a contniuous, OFDM-like signal, that is captured by the three receivers VGH0, VGH1, and VGH2. All antennas were placed on the roof of an urban building, with the UAV flying in the vicinity of the building.
The data RadioLab Rx is currently not part of the dataset.
Parameter | Value |
Center Frequency | 3.75 GHz |
Sampling Rate Tx | 100 MSPS |
Sampling Rate Rx | 100 MSPS |
Bandwidth | 80 MHz |
Symbol Length | 16 \(\mu s\) |
Subcarriers (used/total) | 1280/1600 |
Below are the antenna positions for the measurement campaign. The position of each Rx antenna was measured with the RTK receiver over a period of at leat 1 minute, recording ~ 600 positions. To obtain the positions below, the first and last 100 values were discarded and the remaining values were averaged.
VGH0 | VGH1 | VGH2 | |
Latitude [deg] | 50.693345516466685 | 50.69341057007242 | 50.69360674942051 |
Longitude [deg] | 10.936996650225382 | 10.936834788086342 | 10.936350730986371 |
Height [mm] | 565181.7282539684 | 565180.4359331481 | 565349.6034090916 |
rel. Pos. East [cm] | -11917.87336507936 | -13061.664401114216 | -16482.21163636364 |
rel. Pos. North [cm] | 123842.51892063505 | 124566.28231197789 | 126748.91054545464 |
rel. Pos. Down [cm] | -5276.027650793646 | -5275.735403899723 | -5292.143045454549 |
To evaluate the localization results, the groundtruth position of the UAV is recorded with a u-blox ZED-F9P RTK dual-band GNSS receiver. Since all of the positions of the antennas and the target is measured using RTK methods the locations are reported in N/E/D or E/N/U coordinate system with the position of the SAPOS base station as the reference. The used SAPOS base station is located at (WGS-84)
- 50.681024198 deg N,
- 10.934963069 deg E,
- 550.2006 m
[1] - Measurement Testbed for Radar and Emitter Localization of UAV at 3.75 GHz, Julia Beuster, Carsten Andrich, Michael Döbereiner, Steffen Schieler, Maximilian Engelhardt, Christian Schneider, and Reiner Thomä, 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2023, DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP57121.2023.10133118