Examples and Tutorials

Welcome to the Examples Section! Here, we provide practical Python code snippets to help you seamlessly navigate and utilize the Dataset for your ISAC-related projects. These examples are designed to be straightforward and easy to follow, serving as a solid starting point for your experimentation.

All examples shown here are available in the repository under snippets/.

How to use the dataset

We provide two examples how to work with the dataset in the snippets folder.

  • snippets/plot_receiver.py demonstrates how to use the Dataset-class to plot a Delay-Doppler Map with the groundtruth of the UAV position for a single receiver.
  • snippets/plot_scenario.py demonstrates how to use the Dataset-class to plot a Delay-Doppler Map with the groundtruth of the UAV position all three receivers.
  • snippets/load_example.py demonstrates how to load the dataset from the *.h5 files into Python. It provides a Dataset-class that can also be used in other scripts.
  • snippets/torch_dataset.py demonstrates how to use the Dataset-class to create a PyTorch Dataset for training a neural network.

Example 1: Plotting Delay-Doppler Map with UAV Groundtruth (Delay-Doppler Maps)

A simple demonstration of the dataset is to plot the Delay-Doppler Map for a single or multiple receivers. Such an example can be found in snippets/plot_receiver.py and snippets/plot_scenario.py.

Here is an example for the plot_receiver.py script (creates 1 interactive plot):

python plot_receiver.py --channel-file 1to2_H15_V11_VGH0_channel.h5 --target-file 1to2_H15_V11_VGH0_target.h5

The result is an interactive plot with a slider on the left side. A red circle marks the UAV (computed from the RTK groundtruth).

Here is an example for the plot_scenario.py script (creates 3 interactive plots):

python plot_scenario.py --scenario 1to2_H15_V11

Note that by default, the plot_scenario.py also applies a Pulse-Pair Processing step (window length of 1) to subtract static clutter.

Example 2: Working with *.h5

To work with the scenarios, you can use the following UAVDataset class in Python.

import h5py
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class UAVDataset:
    channelfile: str
    """The path to the channel file"""
    targetfile: str = None
    """The path to the target file"""
    channel: np.ndarray = field(init=False)
    """Property to store the channel data as a numpy array"""
    groundtruth: np.ndarray = field(init=False)
    """Property to store the delay and Doppler groundtruth of the UAV as a numpy array"""
    tx: np.ndarray = field(init=False)
    """Property to store the transmitter antenna positions as a numpy array"""
    rx: np.ndarray = field(init=False)
    """Property to store the receiver antenna positions as a numpy array"""
    uav: np.ndarray = field(init=False)
    """Property to store the UAV positions as a numpy array"""
    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        # load channel, positions
        h5_channel = h5py.File(self.channelfile, "r")
        self.channel = np.array(h5_channel[H5_CDATA]).view(np.complex64).squeeze()
        self.groundtruth = np.concatenate(
        self.tx = np.array(h5_channel[H5_TXANTENNA]).view(np.float64).squeeze()
        self.rx = np.array(h5_channel[H5_RXANTENNA]).view(np.float64).squeeze()
        if self.targetfile is not None:
            h5_target = h5py.File(self.targetfile, "r")
            self.uav = np.array(h5_target[H5_UAVPOSITIONS]).view(np.float64).squeeze()

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"""
           ---- Dataset Summary ----           
           Channel: \t\t{self.channel.shape}
           Groundtruth: \t{self.groundtruth.shape}
           Antenna Positions: \t{'Loaded' if self.tx is not None else 'Not Loaded'}
           UAV Positions: \t{'Loaded' if self.uav is not None else 'Not Loaded'}
           From Files: 
           \t - Channel: {self.channelfile}
           \t - Target: {self.targetfile}

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return self.channel.shape[0]

The provided UAVDataset-class can be used to load the dataset from the *.h5 files into Python.

channel_file = "1to2_H15_V11_VGH0_channel.h5"
target_file = "1to2_H15_V11_VGH0_target.h5"

dataset = UAVDataset(channel_file, target_file)

Available properties are:

  • dataset.channel: The channel dataset as a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_snapshots, n_freq).
  • dataset.groundtruth: The target groundtruth (delay, Doppler) as a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_snapshots, 2).
  • dataset.tx: Position of the Tx antenna (numpy.ndarray) with shape (1, 3).
  • dataset.rx: Position of the Rx antenna (numpy.ndarray) with shape (1, 3).
  • dataset.uav: Position of the UAV (numpy.ndarray) with shape (n_snapshots, 3).

Check the implementation of the class in snippets/load_example.py to learn more about the available properties.

Example 3: Creating a PyTorch Dataset

The provided UAVDataset-class can be used to create a PyTorch Dataset for training a neural network.

class TorchDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, dataset: UAVDataset, t_window: int = 100, return_uavpos: bool = False):
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.t_window = t_window
        self.return_uavpos = return_uavpos
        if return_uavpos and self.dataset.uav is None:
            raise ValueError("UAV Positions not loaded!")
    def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> [torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        if self.return_uavpos:
            return (
                torch.from_numpy(self.dataset.channel[idx: idx + self.t_window]), 
                torch.from_numpy(self.dataset.groundtruth[idx + self.t_window // 2]),
                torch.from_numpy(self.dataset.uav[idx + self.t_window // 2])
            return (
                torch.from_numpy(self.dataset.channel[idx: idx + self.t_window]), 
                torch.from_numpy(self.dataset.groundtruth[idx + self.t_window // 2]),
    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.dataset)- self.t_window//2
    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return str(self.dataset)

To create a DataLoader with complex baseband and delay-doppler groundtruth, e.g., use:

dataset = UAVDataset(channel_file)
dataloader = DataLoader(

To create a DataLoader with complex baseband, delay-doppler groundtruth, and UAV positions, e.g., use:

dataset = UAVDataset(channel_file, target_file)
dataloader = DataLoader(
  TorchDataset(dataset, return_uavpos=True), 

Check the provided file snippets/torch_dataset.py to learn more about the available options.